Preventing colds comes down to measures that strengthen the immune system and avoid infection.
Colds are the most common illness. The vast majority of people get a cold at least once a year. At first sight, the cold seems to be a “harmless” illness, which always ends in complete recovery and performance restoration. But they should not be neglected. Indeed, colds and flu are not terrible, but their potential complications are really dangerous. This is especially true for children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses.
It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it as you know.
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Prudent prevention of colds minimizes the likelihood of contracting disease-causing viruses.
Most colds are a disease of dirty hands. Viral particles are deposited on hands that we often touch our face with, making it easier for viruses to enter the respiratory tract. In addition, pathogenic pathogens are deposited on furniture and office equipment, where they can live for several more hours.
The most effective, and at the same time simple, method of preventing colds and flu is regular handwashing with soap. Always wash your hands before eating, after toileting, and when you come back from the street.
Regular physical activity (especially aerobic exercise) improves blood circulation, which increases the rate at which oxygen is transferred from the lungs to the bloodstream. Aerobic exercise improves immune system activity, which allows you to fight off viruses and bacteria that cause colds more effectively.
Eating plant foods rich in vitamins daily is recommended to prevent colds. More vitamins are found in dark green, yellow and red fruits and vegetables. Vitamins C, A, and E are especially useful for maintaining the body’s defenses.
Excessive cold in the body markedly reduces the activity of the immune system, which increases the likelihood of catching a cold. Dress warmly in cold weather, but do not overdo it. You should feel comfortable.
Medical evidence shows that smokers have a harder time with colds and the flu than non-smokers. Cigarette smoke dries out the nasal passages and paralyzes the cilia, which line the mucosa of the nose and lungs. The wave-like movements of the cilia help to push foreign microorganisms out of the respiratory system. Thus, smoking makes it much easier for germs to enter the lungs.
Excessive alcohol consumption also contributes to frequent colds. Alcohol depresses immune system activity and dehydrates the body.
Healthy sleep and rest are the most important components of human health. It has been found that chronic lack of sleep and lack of rest reduces the number of immune cells that can fight foreign agents. In other words, immunodeficiency develops, leading to frequent colds.
Strange as it may seem, the peak incidence of colds and flu occurs at the beginning of the heating season. The air in a heated room is very dry, leading to dry nasal mucous membranes, making it much easier for viral particles to travel from the nasal cavity to the lungs. To keep the air in your home constantly humid, doctors recommend installing a humidifier.
It is equally important to ventilate the room regularly. No matter the weather outside, you should air the room you are in at least two to three times a day. Airing and wet cleaning reduce the number of germs in the air, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection.